Sunday, February 09, 2025
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  • [Audio] Is TVP going to build any construction soon? on a individual base for people to see it?



    That depends on the finances we have. If people make no contribution, we can't do anything.

    Several people, in the past, have come to Jacque and asked him to design a building for somebody's business. He has refused a lot of that kind of thing, because it wouldn't serve a purpose for TVP or this direction, and he wasn't interested in just a piece of acrchitecture for his own ego. We don't have the oppurtunity right now, or the funding to build a larger research center. It seems that people do come to us pretty regularly, in regards to building a city or something like that, but for different reasons it just doesn't come through, mainly financial.

    More Information? You may visit our Online Seminar page.  


    Proofreading OKAnswered by Jacque FrescoRoxanne MeadowsTVP Authorized

    QA#: 2012040122
    Transcribed by Lucas Samascott

    Created on 13/11/2012 in TVP Seminar Q&A w/ Audio Support

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