Sunday, February 09, 2025
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  • [Audio] ... Let's just say, for the sake of argument, if someone was walking out of the distribution center and all of the sudden somebody punches that person in the face, then how does that person get restrained?



    The person probably has brain damage, and they would call for help. There is no reason for a person to punch another person, because people are brought up not to hate, or disagree, or argue. They are brought up in a way that they say, "I don't know the answer to that problem. I am going to try and find out." They don't make value judgements abruptly. If a person behaves abbarently in the future,if that were to occur, either they have been hit on the head or damaged in some way, or have brain damage which manifests itself that way.

    Is there a group of people that would take care of that situation in RBE?


    Everybody would be qualified in knowing how to take care of that situation, and they would know who to contact for that. That would be the special contingencies group, which is designed to handle problems that are not typical.


    What do you think the procedure would be in apprehending this person? For example, here in modern day times, we have the police, and they handcuff them. What would be the routine in a RBE?


    First of all, if you understand the RBE, people are checked out in the schools when they are very young. We make sure thay they are in good shape, before they even go through the schools. When they go through the schools, they can answer all questions and they don't tend to get angry, they don't fight, they don't get in to arguments, because they are brought up differently than the way they are brought up today. You are asking about today's problems, and you are projecting them in to the future. It is very difficult for people to project in to the future, because they always project their own value systems in to the future. Those values do not exist. Most Americans don't go for bull fights or feeding Christians to lions. That behavior has been surpassed a long time ago.


    Something to bear in mind is that during the transition you would still need some kind of police keeping force, like a civil court to take care of social problems such as that. We couldn't just go on with the values that we have today, and take away the police. It would be absolute chaos, because of the values that are currently held. What Jacque is talking about in regards to TVP's values, is that once we are in that situation, once children have started to go through that schooling and they understand more by the time they get into the age of adulthood, they wouldn't get in to the same kind of arguments that you get nowadays, because the values and the education would be very different. It's really only a transitional period where you would still have some kind of policing force that would be available to restrain people who were being violent, et cetera, and incarcerate them into mental hospitals or whatever hospital is needed to take care of those people. Once you get passed that transitionary step and people are starting to be educated in to a new set of values, those behaviors start to drop off, because you won't need them any more.


    I have covered that many times on the air. I said that the transition will be painful, it will be violent, and there will be assassinations. Yes, it will be a terrible time, but we have to go through that in order to arrive at TVP or the RBE. That is accurate Andrew, what you just said makes sense. The transition will have temporary methods for dealing with all those problems, and there will be conventional methods used even as they are today, but only during the transition.


    You don't see the police being the same as they are today?


    No. They will be voluntary services, and they will be schooled in how to treat people.


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    Proofreading OKAnswered by Jacque FrescoRoxanne MeadowsTVP Authorized

    QA#: 2012040144
    Transcribed by Lucas Samascott

    Created on 13/11/2012 in TVP Seminar Q&A w/ Audio Support

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