Sunday, February 09, 2025
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  • [Audio] In phase 3 of the city of TVP, you say a theme park is planned to be constructed for entertaining education. The theme parks we see today are only used for profit, like Disney. How will the TVP theme park differ from the current ones today?



    It will state and show that there are no final frontiers, that no one can design utopia, that it's unattainable, because all things change. Throughout history, and throughout evolution, all life-forms changed. The palm trees of today are not like the palm trees of 40 million years ago. We know that you can not design the ideal laptop, you can design the best you know of up to now. In the future, we know that all things will continue to change, and that there are no final frontiers, no utopias, no best way to do anything. It's always in a state of change.

    Yes, and in the theme park we want to show, more so, of what a RBE would look like in the future. We have always talked about that, when we do the first city, we would like to have a research center and a theme park, so that the things in the research center could be demonstrated in the theme park, and then implemented in different countries. Depending on how it's done, what stage we are at with the monetary system. That would have to be worked out at the time.

    The theme park would also show the probable changes in the future, so we have no fixed notion of an ideal society.

    We would show the benefits of a RBE, so that people are introduced to it.


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    Proofreading OKAnswered by Jacque FrescoRoxanne MeadowsTVP Authorized

    QA#: 2012041523
    Transcribed by Lucas Samascott

    Created on 13/11/2012 in TVP Seminar Q&A w/ Audio Support

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