Sunday, February 09, 2025
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  • [Audio] If TVP gets the heads-up for the experimental city before the major motion picture, would Jacque and Roxanne be willing to go forward with that?



    Oh yes, we would be willing to go forward with that.

    Definitely. We are actually working toward that right now, as well. We are talking to contractors and getting prices for final architectual drawings and engineering drawings, and we may have somebody who will put(pay) the bill for that, which could be a million dollars or more. We are going to be getting the quote for that from the contractor, and see what we can do. We have had, I'm not exactly sure what, we never really looked into it that much, but we have had a couple of groups of people who wanted to see a proposal for the city, and we needed to have the financial breakdowns, and we didn't, so we are trying to work on that. We are working on both. People have approached us before and asked us if we could do the city or wanted to do the city, and if we had enough funding to do the city, I think we could do the movie with some of those funds as well, we could work that in.

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    Proofreading OKAnswered by Jacque FrescoRoxanne MeadowsTVP Authorized

    QA#: 2012060326
    Transcribed by Lucas Samascott

    Created on 13/11/2012 in TVP Seminar Q&A w/ Audio Support

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