Sunday, February 09, 2025
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  • [Audio] Jacque, would you agree that Skinner influenced most of your ideas on human behaviour?



    No, this is not true. I agree with a lot of the work that Skinner, but he did not influence most of my ideas. He had nothing on city planning; he had nothing on how to educate children specifically to become creative. There were never any specific methods laid out for changing people, making them all creative in the arts and sciences; That was never laid out in detail. I've worked on that most of my life--how to do it.

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    Proofreading OKAnswered by Jacque FrescoRoxanne MeadowsTVP Authorized

    QA#: 2012061726
    Transcribed by Nathaniel Wotring

    Created on 13/11/2012 in TVP Seminar Q&A w/ Audio Support

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