Sunday, March 09, 2025
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  • FAQ#097 Is The Venus Project interested/capable of co-ordinating with other groups, intentional communities, individuals, to organize a resource based society distributed throughout the current society? ...

    We are not about intentional or sustainable communities living well to themselves. We are introducing an alternative global society. If there are intentional communities that are interested in working with us towards the aims and direction of The Venus Project we would welcome this but we know of no other groups who have been advocating this direction. We have always been trying to inform people, groups and communities about this alternative direction. We can use all the help we can get to bring this about.

    At this stage we are not in a position of power in order to make a transition. We would like to initiate as much of it as we if we get that opportunity. We are always working toward this.

    Created on 22/07/2012 in TVP FAQ

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