Sunday, March 09, 2025
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  • FAQ#108 What is your take regarding over-population?

    One thing that is very rarely considered when dealing with the issue of population is the inefficienies of our current socio-economic systems ability to cater for the needs of all people. Its far easier for those in power and those conditioned by this system, especially those in established acedemia to blame the state of the world on a growing population rather than on an archaic socio-economic system and a global value system based on infinite consumption on a planet with finite resources.

    We dont have an over population problem, we have a failure to intelligently distribute our existing resources, and a value system disorder that wastes those resources at unsustainable levels.

    In a RBE, we would no longer have this inefficiency, and the values of those who adopt this system would be the complete opposite of consumerism, people would understand, appreciate and consider the available resources of the planet over and above their material desires. We would be utilizing our resources effecitively, efficiently and we would be producing goods that last, and would be designed with product cycle in mind, and be made recyclable where possible.

    Correctly managed, our current state of resources on this planet would more than cater for the current population, and many times that, and at a much higher standard of living for all the worlds 7 billion people and this ability to cater for a growing population would only increase as our technical ability to create an abundance increases, combined with relevant education as to the impact child birthrates have on the resources available to care for the population, as well as complete freedom to be educated in any field, to travel anywhere in the world, and to take part in any activities that interest us, people will be far less likely to want to stay at home and raise families.

    It is no surprise that the highest birthrates are in the countires that have the least education, and the least social and economic opportunities available to the people of that country, combined with high income inequality.

    Created on 22/07/2012 in TVP FAQ

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