Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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  • Quote#002 All people are brought up by cultures ...
  • Quote#004 Crime is based upon need - making ...
  • Quote#009 I have no notions of a perfect society; I don’t know what ...
  • Quote#010 I never said that it [socialism] was not a good transition ...
  • Quote#013 If you're shipwrecked on an island with 10 million ...
  • Quote#014 In my work, I am not attempting to predict the future ...
  • Quote#017 Laws do not stop crime; they merely make noise ...
  • Quote#021 Opinions are very dangerous, because ...
  • Quote#024 Perhaps the most significant thing a person can know ...
  • Quote#025 Politics is an obsolete way of doing things ...
  • Quote#031 The majority of the people of the world today are ...
  • Quote#032 The more intelligent our children, the better ...
  • Quote#035 The only hope for developing a new civilization is ...
  • Quote#037 The system you're brought up under tries to ...
  • Quote#038 The Venus Project does everything that religion ...
  • Quote#040 The Venus Project is a translation of all religions: The ...
  • Quote#039 The Venus Project is a concept that could happen today ...
  • Quote#041 The Venus Project is neither Utopian nor Orwellian, nor ...
  • Quote#042 The Venus Project is not about new cities or new ...
  • Quote#045 There is no such thing as beauty. If your culture says ...
  • Quote#047 We accept, without sufficient consideration, a system that ...
  • Quote#048 We are all victims of culture ...
  • Quote#051 We have to ask ourselves what kind of ...
  • Quote#055 We must stop constantly fighting for human rights ...
  • Quote#056 We talk about civilization as though it's a static state ...
  • Quote#058 We're running into a lot of new problems today because ...
  • Quote#060 What kind of competition is there in your body? Suppose ...
  • Quote#061 What will drive people if they don't have money ...
  • Quote#062 Whatever happens in the world is real, what one thinks ...
  • Quote#063 Whatever happens in this society is real, what you think ...
  • Quote#065 Whenever you make a law, "Thou Shalt Not Kill"; some ...
  • Quote#067 You can either have one guy lifting a billion pounds by ...
  • Quote#068 You can teach people specific reasoning, such as how ...
  • Quote#070 You don't see the plug connected to the environment, so ...
  • Quote#071 You really don't want a job. What you want is access ...
  • Quote#073 There is no ideal discipline that you can train someone ...
  • Quote#074 There's no debates; there is dialogue. Debate is out ...
  • Quote#077 In the bible, it says "Thou shall not kill". It doesn't say you can ...
  • Quote#076 Love is a fluxuating thing, not a fixed thing. That's why ...
  • Quote#080 Anthropology studies different cultures; mainly primitive, but it ...
  • Quote#081 The more you know about it, the more you add to it, the more ...
  • Quote#083 There is only a policeman in front of something you have ...
  • Quote#085 If you think you can’t change the world, It just means ...
  • Quote#099 Sane - meaning the most operant behavior ...
  • Quote#104 Do away with all of the words that have no correlation ...
  • Quote#106 I think people want to question things and don't ...
  • Quote#107 If your values are not related to the Earth or realistic ...
  • Quote#110 Nuclear weapons can't solve any problems. They can ...
  • Quote#109 Most people don't put things together. Geologists study ...
  • Quote#111 Opinions are very dangerous because they aren't based ...

Economy – Monetary vs. Resource Based

  • Quote#005 Democracy is a con game. It’s a word ...
  • Quote#006 Earth is abundant with plentiful resources. Our practice ...
  • Quote#011 If Goodrich buys a tire from me that last's twenty ...
  • Quote#012 If orange trees grew all over the country, you couldn't ...
  • Quote#015 In our search for more, we have blinded ourselves ...
  • Quote#016 It's not easy to grasp this system because we're ...
  • Quote#023 People say that the monetary system produces incentive ...
  • Quote#026 Politics was good a hundred years ago. Today, politicians ...
  • Quote#044 The whole basis of social operation today is a profit system. As ...
  • Quote#046 War is not the only form of violence imposed on ...
  • Quote#064 Whatever I decide will not work. It's what people ...
  • Quote#072 [A Resource-Based Economy] is in the application of the ...
  • Quote#082 A Resource-Based Economy is nothing like any other system ...
  • Quote#089 Unfortunately, money doesn't represent things in ...
  • Quote#090 When you live in a false society, that bases its ...
  • Quote#096 [Politicians keep the system going] by keeping information away ...
  • Quote#098 Remember - for a politician get elected, they have to ...
  • Quote#101 The original intent of laws was to get the masses of people ...
  • Quote#112 As long we know our limitations, we know what we can ...
  • Quote#113 The fact that cultures are failing all over the world ...
  • Quote#115 Man is so stupid today that he's making nuclear weapons ...
  • Quote#121 Our decisions are based on the carrying capacity of ...
  • Quote#122 What makes people greedy? What makes people self-centered? ...
  • Quote#123 If boys and girls swim nude when they are very young ...
  • Quote#125 Doctors without borders, volunteering for free and ...
  • Quote#126 If you don't participate or if you don't have ...
    "If you don't...
  • Quote#129 Today we have something that's not a planned ...
    "Today we have...
  • Quote#131 You'll have people that get their 'kicks' out of helping ...
    "You'll have...
  • Quote#133 This has nothing to do with those who want to form ...
    "This has...
  • Quote#134 In this highly technical society, decisions are based ...
    "In this...

Social Design

  • Quote#003 Armies are created to protect ...
  • Quote#008 Human behavior is subject to the same ...
  • Quote#018 Living through the 1929 Great Depression helped ...
  • Quote#019 Much of a behavior acceptable today would be socially ...
  • Quote#027 Population control is dependent upon education. We ...
  • Quote#028 The difference between a serial killer and a saint is ...
  • Quote#033 The more justice you seek, the more hurt you ...
  • Quote#036 The social designs that are proposed in ...
  • Quote#057 We're not interested in an established culture ...
  • Quote#059 We're such an abominable, sick society that we won't ...
  • Quote#066 Working with drug addicts, alcoholics, and so-called juvenile ...
  • Quote#069 You cannot advocate decency and ethics, you must design ...
  • Quote#075 Instead of a pentagon, you have a lot of people that are ...
  • Quote#079 'See if we can see things in my way' - that is an impossible ...
  • Quote#084 You don't need to get rid of religion; you have to outgrow ...
  • Quote#088 Technicians do not tell you what to do or how to live ...
  • Quote#094 You only bridge the difference through areas ...
  • Quote#091 You can't exceed the system with language. You can only ...
  • Quote#093 You cannot approach people who think differently ...
  • Quote#105 I don't like Jewish conditioning, but I don't like Catholic ...
  • Quote#114 There is no aberrant behavior if your schools are ...
  • Quote#117 Scientists that don't question the social system are ...
  • Quote#118 The Wright Brothers never got a hearing - neither did ...
  • Quote#119 Architects are mostly self-centered and their buildings express ...
  • Quote#120 You have to tell your children about the world they ...
  • Quote#124 All social systems tend to perpetuate themselves. The values ...
    "All social...
  • Quote#127 There's no way of making this system just. We have ...
    "There's no...
  • Quote#128 There's no way of making this system just. We have to make ...
    "There's no...
  • Quote#132 One of the main aspects of The Venus Project is to eliminate ...
    "One of the...


  • Quote#007 Every action and decision we take ...
  • Quote#049 We have more than enough to take care of ...
  • Quote#050 We have the technology to build a global paradise on ...
  • Quote#078 If technology does not liberate all people for the pursuit ...
  • Quote#087 Our universities today are better equipped than ever ...
  • Quote#097 All things change. The automobiles change every year ...
  • Quote#100 Scientists never tell you that 'this is the strongest material ...
  • Quote#102 To me, all of the marvels of science and technology - all of ...
  • Quote#130 When science and technology is unleashed into the ...

City Design

  • Quote#116 'It will work itself out' is like hoping a bridge will form ...


  • Quote#001 About transition: I am sorry to tell ...
  • Quote#020 Only when science and technology are used with ...
  • Quote#022 People make assumptions that the wealthy stay in power ...
  • Quote#029 The future does not depend on our present-day ...
  • Quote#030 The future is our responsibility, but change ...
  • Quote#034 The only hope for developing a new civilization is ...
  • Quote#043 The way we use technology is completely wasteful. We ...
  • Quote#052 We live in a world where our social system is old, our ...
  • Quote#054 We must look at alternatives objectively, and not try to ...
  • Quote#053 We must learn to outgrow our egos in exchange for ...
  • Quote#086 We will never know what anyone is really like, until everyone ...
  • Quote#092 Every action and decision we take - or don't - ripples ...
  • Quote#095 As man reaches out toward the twenty-first century, he will ...
  • Quote#103 If all the cities in the world join together and they produce ...
  • Quote#108 In the future, in a saner system, we would design products ...