Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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General Overview

  • [Video] When you talk about primitive people, what exactly do you mean? You mean people in general just do not use technology or ?, how do you refer to it?
  • [Video] When talking about interdisciplinary teams used to transition, maintain, and improve RBE, does it refer to an organization like NASA? Could an organization like NASA turned towards social re-design be a reasonable starting point to get to RBE?
  • [Video] Jacque says that the future will develop its own set of values. What is the difference between up grading your Values and upgrading knowledge; are they the same thing?
  • [Video] Even after showing the simple and logical methods for arriving to proposals and conclusions in TVP and RBE many people still ask the same questions. From your experiences, are all people able to understand this or are there those who never will?
  • [Video] Why should I believe in TVP?
  • [Video] He just said that we have to have sane system we can share. Can Jacque elaborate on that?
  • [Video] Do you think that we have to have some kind of program which give people the same background so that way they can understand each other and communicate?
  • [Video] Jacque says that people behave according to the environment they live in. Why did we create the current type of environment that we live in?
  • [Video] Isn't the environment a reflection of what we are? Change comes from within us, not from the outside world, is that right?
  • [Video] I think it is pretty clear that most aberrant behavior come from society and its corrupted values. What it is not so clear is how we can change our values. Where exactly do we start? What is the plan in detail?
  • [Video] Can you specify on when you say that we dont need everybody to work on direction and we dont need lots people to participate in technical aspect of society?
  • [Video] You have suggested how we will name people in a RBE so how will we name living organisms as well as things like planets and stars?
  • [Video] When do you think that the collapse will become too much for people to handle and will make them start to look for a different direction as a society?

Economy – Monetary vs. Resource Based

  • [Video] Jacque once mentioned that disciplines such as engineering, writing, and some others would be replaced by automation. What discipline could I learn now that could be of use in a Resource-Based Economy?
  • [Video] If we reach a point of no return, ecologically, making it nearly inhabitable for humans on Earth, does TVP have a contingency plan?
  • [Video] Jacque said in a past seminar that there will be people who will be trained in communication to build a bridge between nations. What are the prerequisites to be able to become one of those people?
  • [Video] Could you give many details about resource world inventory required, or could you outline an approach of the inventory's design you envision? What follows when inventory is done?
  • [Video] Could you talk a little bit about the process level of how mining/producing/manufacturing­ of goods and services is done in a RBE? What kind of technology would we use?
  • [Video] Jacque has numerous times said that Capitalism was good a hundred years ago. Was that just a figure of speech or did he mean that a resource based economy was not possible before a certain time in our technological age?
  • [Video] If big industries have access to information about world inventory, they would use it to supply to entire countries, destroying little and medium business. Is the world inventory of resources the end of monetary system?
  • [Video] When is the time to do the global inventory, right now or later in special conditions? Will the inventory be an effort of each country or look like social networks of today?
  • [Video] When a new design for a phone has been developed, how's the decision made that it would replace one of the current models? How is the production of this new phone set in motion? Also, what if somebody wants a phone that isn't available anymore?
  • [Video] If there will be no private property, what assures me that my house is my house and no stranger can come into it? Will there be assigned houses for all, during its occupation time? Creating an "exception" to the "non-private property"?
  • [Video] Why do you say, "In scarcity, there are no options, and people aren't responsible for their actions at all", really? Because it is very hard to accept. And I dont understand the concept of "people are not responsible for their actions at all"
  • [Video] Would you work with government if they interested in staying within direction in TVP?
  • [Video] Is being self-sustainable and "off the grid" help to end the monetary system? Does it propel the system's collapse?
  • [Video] Roxanne you said that the monetary system is based on scarcity and that making enough to give things away would be the end of the system. But isn't it the same to sell 1 product at $1 than selling 100 products at $.01?

Social Design

  • [Video] How can a person overcome procrastination?
  • [Video] What are few things you would teach your children today if you were 25 that would help them adjust better growing up in the next 100 years-and how would this affect them socially?
  • [Video] Could Jacque describe how to help people overcome aspects of phobia and fears--an example fear of bridges, spiders, snakes, driving?
  • [Video] Jacque has stated many times that instead of throwing people in jail we help them, but who is going to decide exactly what is and isn't correct behavior. What will qualify them to go into that "need help" category?
  • [Video] I believe you when you say that a Resource-Based Economy can get rid of most of the crime in society. However, what about the cases where there are real underlying psychological neuroses at work? How can TVP deal with them?
  • [Video] What do you think about technological singularity and how it will change our current paradigm as radical life extension and avatars become available to purchase for middle class people?
  • [Video] Throughout the history of life, sexual competition has been the driving force in evolution. Do you believe that these impulses are hard-wired? If so, how would TVP deal with these impulses if they were to cause conflict?
  • [Video] What are values? What makes it possible for us to have values, what is the mechanism behind them? Do animals have values, or is it unique to humans?
  • [Video] Wouldn't it be better to advise people to get a relevant education within the field of automation, in order to create the neccessary environmental pre-conditions for people to be successful to this new value system?
  • [Video] During the "January 15, 2012" seminar Jacque said, "Opinions are very dangerous because they aren't based on scientific studies." Is Jacque someone who is totally free of opinions?
  • [Video] Jacque has stated many times that people will not adapt a new value system until the environment changes--quotes such as "People do not change their minds; their minds are changed by events." What does this mean?
  • [Video] Can you go into a little more detail of the expression, "The brain has no mechanism for knowing that which is relevant"?
  • [Video] What do you think about trans-humanism and the Singularity?
  • [Video] According to seminar #60, behaviorism scientists address people with behavioral issues into a "need help" category and help them. How do you prevent these scientists to become a dominant cast? Are there any counter powers in an RBE?
  • [Video] Is it correct to say that the DNA in a cell interacts with input from the environment and that is what determines what the cell produces? Would you say that DNA is shaped by the environment?
  • [Video] Jacque, what's your stand about gay people in terms of, is that normal and the same as straight people or is it kind of a fad behavior? What do you think about them getting married and influencing their adopted kids?
  • [Video] Jacque talks in this segment about the 'needs' and 'wants' of a person. What are the criteria for distinguishing needs from wants? Are these terms even necessary in a RBE and TVP?
  • [Video] Jacque talks in this segment about the 'needs' and 'wants' of a person. What are the criteria for distinguishing needs from wants? Are these terms even necessary in a RBE and TVP?
  • [Video] Can you specify which human behavior is proper of genetics or is every behavior absolutely from the environment (background, conditioning , etc)?
  • [Video] Roxanne talked about controlling emotions, ... Please elaborate on this and other tools, people will be taught. What tools are priority? How does the teaching process work?
  • [Video] Can you elaborate in mechanism of training people do anything ?
  • [Video] I think it is pretty clear that most aberrant behavior come from society and its corrupted values. What is not so clear is how we can change our values. Where exactly do we start? What is the plan in detail?
  • [Video] How specifically, do you train a child to be concerned about other children/people?
  • [Video] In the hunter-gatherer society people live in a way that they take the resources and just give it to people. I don't understand; how did it all change w/ the agriculture revolution? What was it that made barter, selfishness & classism appear?
  • [Video] Can you define proof or why people are believing metaphysics so much?
  • [Video] Gods always uphold the system!!??
  • [Video] He mentions about people playing roles. Does that results from a set of goals that one adopts from tradition and culture?
  • [Video] If people are exposed to current information based on relevant things, can they provide better behavior prevent development of metaphysical explenations?
  • [Video] He mentions that kids are more interested with others and as we grow up we tend to separate and lose interest. How does that come about?
  • [Video] The lecture mentions that constant bombardment of a fixed set of tradition and values tend to limit the development of people and leads to giving up. How does a person that really defends a relevant value system give it up?
  • [Video] Does it really matter to analyze animal behavior (humans included) unless there is a biological factor you are looking for?
  • [Video] I understand that social engineering (/ human engineering) would be vital for the actions of the 'problem solvers' of the future. Could you detail how and in what ways can social engineering be applied to very big populations, such as countries?
  • [Video] You said that automation will cause unemployment. The criticism says that in order to automate production, new factories need to be built, taught, ... with new designed products. To do that, new jobs are created that compensate the job loss.
  • [Video] With mini collapses such as Hurricane Sandy, ... how can we reach others that are now experiencing these events in real time? How do we counter the de-humanization or lack of empathy or indifference toward that fact?

Technology, City Design

  • [Video] Jacque, instead of an entire city, do you see any merit in other technologies not integrated in a city system, for exemple vertical farms surrounding the existing cities to aliviate the hunger of the people suffering right now?
  • [Video] I understand that things will be made not to wear out but how will we dispose of things that have been broken or damaged? Will there be automated rubbish trucks that empty bins out in the streets?
  • [Video] You always talk about having wasted recycle under the city?
  • [Video] What about the huge space between circular cities? Why do you think it would be better not to build anything between three circular cities?
  • [Video] Is there something more demonstrative than the construction of the first city?


Personal, Personal Views & Suggestions

  • [Video] Jacque - I read that during the 1950s you had established Scientific Research Laboratories in Los Angeles. What sort of work did you do there and why did it stop running?
  • [Video] Does Jacque have the mind set of someone who came from a Resource Based Economy?
  • [Video] Jacque comments each time that the same questions are being asked. What questions would Jacque expect from this group that would indicate that education about TVP is progressing?
  • [Video] Jacque, you are so smart but how come you are not rich?

Activism, Supportive Book/Persons/Organizations

  • [Video] Whilst looking through the net for criticisms of the project a common theme is how TVP oft uses it's not for profit registration whilst failing to mention other "for profit" company arms. Can you take a minute to explaining the financial structure
  • [Video] Jacque - What happened to Project Americana? Did it become absorbed into The Venus Project? What was Project Americana comprised of?
  • [Video] I had heard of a sponsor from Russia. How you will react if a country decides to accommodate the project, but under their conditions? if they are interested in the technical and architectural aspects but neglects the socio-economic aspects of it?
  • [Video] Hi, Can you please advise whether Jacque, Roxanne or others are willing to set up a request (as was done for the script writer) on the venus project website, for a digital tv channel? A Youview digital channel could be had for £50,000 for 24/7 tv
  • [Video] Is the storyline/script for the motion picture based on any novels or short stories written by Jacque? If so, are there any books available out there today or will it be in the future? And does the motion picture have a title yet?
  • [Video] Is there any level of compromise that we can expect from Jacque and Roxanne in respect to speed (up building the TVP city )?
  • [Video] Roxanne, UNESCO has programs about World Heritage and gives funds for development of programs related to education and unification between peoples. Have you thought about try to get funds for the Experimental City through a partnership w/ UNESCO?
  • [Video] Are there any plans to open up more research centers in other parts of the country or the world?
  • [Video] I want to learn skills to help TVP. If I go to school, i will have debts that will keep me chained to a job. If i have to work full time I might not have the energy left for TVP. I want to devote myself to TVP but this problem hangs over my head.
  • [Video] Are there any plans to set up a website where (or addition to the site) where inventors, architects, and people from around the world can collaborate and build on ideas for TVP?
  • [Video] LHC and space exploration are funded to search for knowledge. In order to get funded, have you tried presenting TVP as a science project, without mentioning the shortcomings of our social arrangements? If we attack them, we lose them, correct?
  • [Video] Are there any plans to create a toolkit handbook based on communication tactics to influence peoples values based on their background? Like concrete examples on how Jacque dissolved KKK etc.
  • [Video] Suppose somebody told you that he understands the teachings of TVP pretty well. What are the first three questions you would ask this person to check the validity of his claim?
  • [Video] How about raising funds on a monthly basis $1-$3 minimum from a real activist who understand that money will help for motion picture and other projects?
  • [Video] Could we produce a series of plays that exemplify how people behave and interact in a RBE and TVP city? It would require few props and while still in character, the players could answer questions after the performance.
  • [Video] Haven't you thought about uniting, working together with all the movements in the world with similar vision? Because the main goal is the same--a better earth.
  • [Video] If you create a company that produced a product or service, I think you would gain an extremely intelligent, efficient, and adaptive workforce. Do you have plans for such a company?
  • [Video] How do we expect to bridge the differences between nations when it seems hard for TVP and TZM to bridge their differences? Isn't it a great example of cooperation and working together as both advocate in order to bring about the RBE?
  • [Video] Does TVP give permission to edit 'Paradise or Oblivion' to customize scenes to suit our own different countries/cultures? And then submit to Media teams.
  • [Video] Are there ways to get people who are out of technical areas, people that works in banks or religious people? (or it's not necesary)
  • [Video] Jacque, you approached the Disney, do you want to talk about that?
  • [Video] Jacque, you approached the Disney, do you want to talk about that?
  • [Video] What do you think about creating a course about TVP in which you will explain the details about the project, and divide the course in 30 min lectures or so. Maybe a 36-40 lecture course can provide a solid understanding about TVP
  • [Video] Did Jacque heard about dr. Thomas Szasz work on mental diseases ? He claimed there is no such thing as mental disease, it can only be a brain disease, but you cannot categorize someone as having a mental disorder by looking at his behavior only.
  • [Video] Had Einstein have an idea about the society?