Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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General Overview

  • FAQ#001 What is The Venus Project?
    Very briefly, The Venus Project is an...
  • FAQ#003 Why do you feel that an approach as revolutionary as The Venus Project is necessary?
    Our current system is not capable of...
  • FAQ#010 What is the single most important aspect of the project?
    The single most important aspect of the...
  • FAQ#011 What is the Plan?
    It is far more efficient to build new cities...
  • FAQ#098 How do you think people react to your proposals, that I would label "virtual proposals", about the future of the world, and what is your relationship with them? How important is fulfilment in terms of credibility and concrete experience?
    I do not depend on present day values,...
  • FAQ#100 Is The Venus Project a Utopian society?
    The Venus Project is not a Utopian concept....
  • FAQ#104 If you had to choose one idea that would describe the essence of this new society, what would it be? Unity? Discovery?
    Common heritage of all of Earth's...

Economy – Monetary vs. Resource Based

  • FAQ#002 What is a Resource-Based Economy?
    To transcend these limitations, The Venus...
  • FAQ#005 Elaborate a bit, if you will, on your views regarding money.
    If all the money in the world were...
  • FAQ#006 What are some of the detrimental effects of The Monetary System?
    There are many disadvantages to using this...
  • FAQ#014 What are the first steps taken toward a global resource based economy?
    After agreement is attained by nations to...
  • FAQ#016 How would you describe the recent economic crisis? Can it be a lesson in today's society?
    This could be a useful lesson if it resulted...
  • FAQ#047 How are Resources Distributed Equitably?
    Distribution of goods and services without...
  • FAQ#055 How does The Venus Project Compare with Communism?
    Communism being similar to a...
  • FAQ#057 How does this differ from Communism?
    While communism is a much more humane social...
  • FAQ#064 Who makes the decisions in a resource based economy?
    No one does. The process of arriving...
  • FAQ#066 Will people who do more work, such as doctors, demand more resources than someone like an artist?
    When resources are available to everyone...
  • FAQ#067 ... people work towards goals similar to the ones you presented in your book, while still operating within a monetary system? How do you suggest we keep ideas and technology from contributing to the cycle (away from military hands, etc.)?
    Yes by presenting the ideas of common...
  • FAQ#069 Do we have enough energy to eliminate scarcity?
    Yes. The potential of untapped energy...
  • FAQ#074 ... a fully automated cybernetically managed economy/ecology/society would be vulnerable to system decay, malfunction and collapse in a way that would render humanity helpless..
    This is true in a monetary system but has...
  • FAQ#075 So why not plan on simple modular self-sufficient economies, or inter-dependant low tech economies that advance sustainable technologies and skills within each community?
    Because this will not solve our global...
  • FAQ#079 Isn't this against Human Nature?
    From H. G. Wells, "The anti-progressives of...
  • FAQ#088 How does one solve the problem of excess (say a person or people wanting more than is available)?
    In regards to excess. In times of WWII the...

Social Design

  • FAQ#004 Isn't it just decent people that we need in government?
    It is not enough to criticize, point...
  • FAQ#034 What kind of change do you expect in urban development?
    In these new total city system designs, all...
  • FAQ#043 Could individuals live outside the cities?
    Yes people can live where ever they wish...
  • FAQ#044 But, what if someone wanted to go out into a remote area, far from the cities?
    For remote traveling, we propose air cars...
  • FAQ#046 Why is this concept superior to other intentional community projects?
    Intentional communities attempt to...
  • FAQ#048 What is the role of the family?
    At present, both husbands and wives work....
  • FAQ#049 Would people be happier in this kind of society?
    Perhaps it isn't happiness that we seek:...
  • FAQ#051 Will there be a government?
    As to the need for government, only...
  • FAQ#054 Is this what Karl Marx advocated?
    Although Marx was a brilliant man for...
  • FAQ#056 How does this system differ from Marxism, besides the technological use?
    Communism is a political system...
  • FAQ#059 How can the use of Laws be eliminated?
    Today we try to control human behavior by...
  • FAQ#060 in The Best That Money Can't Buy, you deal among other subjects, also with the need to understand the close bond that man entertains with nature: which are the properties of the world (planet-society) that have to change to re-establish this bond?
    Great achievements of present day technology...
  • FAQ#062 What Guarantees People The Right Of Participation?
    Without vested interests and the use of...
  • FAQ#065 Will people all be alike?
    Yes in these ways: • Interested in...
  • FAQ#068 What are the safeguards against abuse of power in the society you envision?
    In a resource-based economy, we surpass the...
  • FAQ#070 In a system where everything is available without a price tag, would this eliminate incentive?
    We do advocate that all people have access...
  • FAQ#071 Would people lose their incentive?
    You have been brought up to believe people...
  • FAQ#077 What will people do?
    I find it so sad when people ask, "What will...
  • FAQ#080 How do "Restless Teenagers" fit into the system? Or rather, what is available for them to do?
    Although many forms of arrogant behavior and...
  • FAQ#081 Would The Venus Project be for deviants?
    James Harvey Robinson believed that the...
  • FAQ#082 What would be done with that percentage of society that would be agitators or malcontent such as Timothy McVeigh who were brought up with a normal upbringing?
    Your reference to people like Timothy...
  • FAQ#083 What about crimes of jealousy?
    The way people are raised in The Venus...
  • FAQ#084 ... In a grand overall vision of social and economic reform such as The Venus Project, what about those few who will always exhibit aberrant behavior under any system?
    You must remember that Jacque has been at...
  • FAQ#085 Do you advocate killing people with aberrant behavior?
    By "mentally unstable" or "aberrant people"...
  • FAQ#087 In this new culture, do you propose to utilize a technical elite that would decide the direction for society?
    No. The Venus Project calls for a cybernated...
  • FAQ#089 How will people get along in the Middle East? How will the question of religion be resolved?
    In a resource there is material gain for...
  • FAQ#090 What about religion?
    The concepts presented by The Venus...
  • FAQ#092 What can you tell us about The Venus Project's approach to education?
    A high emphasis would be placed on...
  • FAQ#093 What would the education be like?
    Education should be more than the...
  • FAQ#094 How are Learning, Cooperation, and Gaining Health, Built into the System?
    If we want children to achieve a positive...
  • FAQ#096 What about drug addicts and alcoholics?
    They can be educated out of the need for...
  • FAQ#105 What about the use of drugs in the future?
    There is a tremendous incentive today for...

Technology, City Design

  • FAQ#009 What types of pressures would be alleviated in The Venus Project's designs?
    The greatest lesson we might learn could be...
  • FAQ#019 What is, and what do you think about it, the relationship between habitat and place of living? Which variables do you consider in conceiving architecture, or even a city?
    The city of the future must be...
  • FAQ#020 I noticed a certain nearness between your thinking and the French architect Le Doux about the concept of ideal city: do you believe that the eighteenth century idea of ideal city could apply also to a future city?
    There are no ideal cities any more than...
  • FAQ#021 What would you consider to be the most difficult technological hurdle to overcome before building the Circular City?
    Social and cultural lag. All people...
  • FAQ#022 Many of your designs seem to reflect retro-mod trends. What was your thinking behind the shapes and the black/white façades of the structures?
    Most of the designs of the city...
  • FAQ#024 What main concepts do you keep in mind whenever you design structures or transportation?
    Keeping it simple and efficient, the...
  • FAQ#025 Can you briefly describe the process you used in designing the Circular City? What factors where most important?
    The factors that were most important...
  • FAQ#026 What kind of change do you expect in architecture?
    Ending pollution and waste while keeping a...
  • FAQ#027 How would one choose a home?
    An example of the wide range of choice...
  • FAQ#028 Is everything going to be easier than today regarding the materials we use at home for example, white goods, furniture, etc., then how is it going to be changed?
    In the future, people may be shielded from...
  • FAQ#029 In your project new social mentality is introduced. What novelties in architectural forms and constructions does the Venus project offer?
    While some advocate the modification of...
  • FAQ#030 What kind of change do you expect in health equipment?
    Health equipment will be in each home...
  • FAQ#031 What kind of change do you expect in communication?
    Communication will be more signal and less...
  • FAQ#032 What kind of change do you expect in transport?
    Transportation will be rapid, clean,...
  • FAQ#033 Is it possible to see flight cars in the near future?
    Individual transport systems would be...
  • FAQ#035 From technological point - is The Venus Project real?
    Technically The Venus Project is...
  • FAQ#036 Are there necessary materials, technologies of constructing and maintenance of eco-cities nowadays?
    There are more than the necessary...
  • FAQ#037 What present-day materials, technologies can be used in constructing The Venus Project?
    More efficient application of present day...
  • FAQ#038 What scientific developments (materials, technologies) should be done to realize your project?
    Innovation and exploration will be a...
  • FAQ#039 How do you imagine the building processes of the projects - standard, using prefabricated units or some other technologies?
    To achieve world wide reconstruction to...
  • FAQ#040 Is there a preliminary cost of this kind of the complex? Is it cheaper or not?
    It is far less expensive to build...
  • FAQ#042 Is there any one field of discipline you find most promising right now, as far as technological advancement? Architecture? Material science, perhaps?
    The viewpoint of the generalist which...
  • FAQ#045 I was trying to think of an intermediate/bridging solution to the problem of automobile collisions. I'm curious as to his thoughts about such a common problem. 6,289,000 occur every yr.
    Yes you can make cars collision proof but it...
  • FAQ#050 What is the approach to professionals running this new society?
    Many of the professions familiar to us today...
  • FAQ#052 What is the role of Cybernation as Decision Makers?
    When computers eventually have sensors...
  • FAQ#053 How do you evaluate the robot conception in the future? As in the science fiction movies, everything is going to be done by robots. Is everything going to be different or will humans be the most effective factor?
    SiFi movies are written by artists and...
  • FAQ#063 What do you consider a "high standard of living", which everyone in the world is entitled to? And who is the one to decide this?
    In a resource-based economy many of the...
  • FAQ#072 Why the emphasis on the cybernated approach to the social operation?
    There is sufficient evidence to show...
  • FAQ#073 The world you describe requires the planetary resources of legions of engineers, ... What happens three or ten generations later when the back-up systems are breaking down and the population has only poets and theoretical physicists?
    This is totally your projection with a set...
  • FAQ#076 Could you describe the distribution of food and/or other objects of desire, like telephones, computers, or books?
    Distribution of goods and services without...
  • FAQ#086 Isn't technology very often detrimental to people and the cause of many of our problems?
    Regarding your concerns about technology...
  • FAQ#095 What about food? Would people eat meat?
    Food and nutrition would be based upon...


  • FAQ#007 Wouldn't there be Resistance of the Rich and Powerful?
    What you had to say about the rich and...
  • FAQ#008 In the idea of future, do you think that the regional differences will still have the greatest influence as they do today? Or will these differences disappear?
    Our problems today are enormous and global...
  • FAQ#012 How do you see the collapse of the present system occurring?
    Government and industry will continue to...
  • FAQ#013 How do we get from here to there?
    The Venus Project is in the process of...
  • FAQ#015 What can be "the turning point" of the future? Do you have any idea about it?
    I see the "the turning point" of the...
  • FAQ#018 You couldn't just plop the first city down and expect people to respect it.... you would need to slowly develop the cities as it becomes harmonized with the evolving social consciousness. What are some of the steps to accomplish this?
    We cannot, as you mention "plop the first...
  • FAQ#023 What would be done with the old cities?
    Most of the old cities would be...
  • FAQ#041 In your opinion, when will such towns be constructed?
    No government has ever advocated...
  • FAQ#061 Wouldn't change come about through a reasonable and logical progression?
    I do not believe it can be brought about by...
  • FAQ#097 Is The Venus Project interested/capable of co-ordinating with other groups, intentional communities, individuals, to organize a resource based society distributed throughout the current society? ...
    We are not about intentional or sustainable...
  • FAQ#101 Future plans? What are you going to do now? What are you going to do next?
    We are working on a motion picture...
  • FAQ#102 More than a few people would say they are fed up with living in a money-driven society, and wish to live a more self-fulfilling life. What advice would you give these people?
    Learning about the direction and aims...
  • FAQ#103 Do we have enough time to see all of these changes?
    I really do not know the answer to...

Personal, Personal Views & Suggestions

  • FAQ#017 By the way, what do you think about the "New World Civilization"?
    I must emphasize that the approach to...
  • FAQ#058 Could you respond to the 1949 essay I sent you from Albert Einstein regarding his views on socialism?
    Socialism as regarded by Einstein was based...
  • FAQ#078 You place great emphasis on human behavior as opposed to human nature. Would you define both?
    There is no such thing as human nature in...
  • FAQ#091 Many people claim that when spirituality fails in bringing up social changes, the use of violence is rationalized. Do you agree with this opinion?
    If we don't make the appropriate moves...
  • FAQ#106 What is your take regarding Sexuality?
    We view the facts of sex are as follows: If...
  • FAQ#108 What is your take regarding over-population?
    One thing that is very rarely considered...
  • FAQ#109 What is TVP's stance on personal possessions?
    It’s not about "owning nothing" and TVP is...

Activism, Supportive Book/Persons/Organizations

  • FAQ#107 What is your take regarding the removal of the Zeitgeist Movement as the activist arm of The Venus Project?
    The Zeitgeist Movement under the...