Sunday, February 09, 2025
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General Overview

  • [Audio] Jacque, is the Arab world too difficult to turn around their value system?
  • [Audio] Would TVP be open to learning more about open-source?
  • [Audio] If your goal is to create TVP version of a RBE, shouldn't the TVP have a very basic distribution algorithm for resources that exist at this moment?
  • [Audio] How can you say there will be no elitism, when the designers of the resource distribution algorithm would have the most control?
  • [Audio] Jacque and Roxanne, if you aren't willing to show the world your designed blueprints, how can you expect anyone to follow you or take you seriously on a large scale?
  • [Audio] I would be grateful if Jacque could give a five minute example of how its possible to realize the global redesign in ten years from his perspective. The reason for this is it might be feasible to get much more time than this from busy person.
  • [Audio] Jacque, could you explain how you arrived at the slogan "Beyond politics, poverty and war"? Why didn't you choose positive words like "Future of more freedom, abundance and peace"?
  • [Audio] Is one reason that writing laws doesn't work, because man can't think or reason?

Economy – Monetary vs. Resource Based

  • [Audio] If the TVP version of RBE promotes the most intelligent designs possible, why does TVP currently have pseudo-intellectual officials who insist on Résumé applications to join teams, when they aren't knowledgeable to judge the Résumé to begin with?
  • [Audio] How would a Hospital Operate in the future following the Venus Projects Ideals?
  • [Audio] I'm working on a political system that can be described best as technological horizontal collectivism. I was thinking of using a social media network as the basis, kind of like a non-profit Facebook. Is TVP already working on something similar?
  • [Audio] What is Social Security and what does the Government do about it and what will be its equivalent in the Venus Project if it is equal at all to the project?
  • [Audio] Does the whole world need to be involved for this to work or are there certain countries, perhaps those with key resources, that can sustain a RBE on their own?
  • [Audio] Why do you speak ill about entrepreneurs? Not all of them are thieves. There are many smart, hard-working people.
  • [Audio] Interestingly, a LOT of ideas presented in The Venus Project FAQ seem to be lifted straight out of the writings of a certain Lenin, who, in turn, copied those from the idea of establishing communistic (as in "commune, not "fake socialism")society
  • [Audio] Did you get any ideas from Lenin?
  • [Audio] Can technological unemployment, in and of itself, collapse this system?
  • [Audio] Are there any efforts involved in research & development of a technical plan that addresses the practicality of a RBE? Maybe something that addresses our current state and how to proceed?
  • [Audio] Could you talk about this and other things you did to minimize your dependency on this money environment?
  • [Audio] If we had the ability to do a RBE, however that might come about, what are the orders of priority that would be done?
  • [Audio] ... I have spoken to people about TVP and RBE, they mostly tend to bring up very small details about the projects goals, like for example: Who will clean the toilets, who will run the sewage system, when it's not automated yet. How do you respond?
  • [Audio] Do you think we should have an alternative aquisition system for those who work harder?
  • [Audio] How could any centralized system decide how much to produce of the thousands of different kinds of chocolate candies. Each person might like one of these more than another subtle differences in taste and texture?
  • [Audio] Do you know facts about the anarchist revolution in Spain in 1935 or so? Did this event help you to elaborate TVP?
  • [Audio] Since TVP wishes to be in sync with nature, being one with nature without harming the environment, how does it see the production of food through harming or killing animals?
  • [Audio] How do you convince people that the RBE isn't communism?
  • [Audio] Do you worry that performing people who have been significantly damaged by abusive institutions could overwhelm RBE in its early stages?
  • [Audio] In a RBE, who would get a home vs. an apartment?
  • [Audio] How much liberty will there be in TVP as compared to a monetary system?
  • [Audio] If the monetary system would collapse, how long would it take to get the RBE working?
  • [Audio] How much of the centralized data would be made available to the public?
  • [Audio] Is the distribution of data centralized or de-centralized in a RBE?
  • [Audio] If we are going to use new names for the cities, are you afraid that the establishment will try to remove you, or try to abolish the support system, because you are the engine of that machine right now?
  • [Audio] ... Regardless of the motives/incentives, what if someone still doesn't want to perform any task at all, how does TVP determine where this person can or cannot live?
  • [Audio] Do you envision a resource based economy to adopt behavioral analysis techniques for the benefit of everyone? What I mean by behavioral analysis is the use of operant conditioning to positively reinforce sustainable behaviors?
  • [Audio] It is said that suffering isn't of consequence; it's from a lack of propriety. What are some ideal social etiquette for an RBE?
  • [Audio] The crux of the Cybernated RBE (TVP's version) is the Resource Distribution Algorithm. This algorithm is man-made and man-thought. Does TVP intend to begin making this basic distribution algorithm on existing resources an scale it up in time?
  • [Audio] When we move to a resource based economy, how will we dispose of the nuclear waste that is left over from today? Until we can find a technical solution for nuclear waste, should we send it into the Sun?
  • [Audio] What would you suggest to do when a resource that has a greater demand than supply in a Resource Based Economy? Also, how do you allocate resources that are newly discovered that have great demand?
  • [Audio] In regards of the promotion of false values, how would you deal with these notions in the transition? Could an RBE survive with values of superstition and irrational beliefs with no evidence? How do you eradicate these values?
  • [Audio] How realistic is it really to convince people and governments to redesign societies and structures before it's too late? What can we do on our part?
  • [Audio] Given we only have a limited time until various resources run out (oil etc), whats the best way to show the rest of the world that a RBE is the best thing for humanity, given world governments are to stupid to see this themselves?
  • [Audio] We have enough resources to have abundant clean energy for everyone. Do you have statistical data supporting the same or does The Venus Project have data?
  • [Audio] When a future generation is ready to create a Resource Based Economy, what can future generations do to avoid a mis-interpretation of The Venus Project?
  • [Audio] Can The Venus Project explain in detail what a Resource Based Economy is, how it will work, and how it will make life better for everyone as opposed to the current systematic economic structure of modern societies?
  • [Audio] How will music be handled in an Resource Based Economy? Will all music genres still be allowed to be produced and listened to?
  • [Audio] ... power-loving people like Lenin may come and do awful things. There are many such examples in history with Muslims and Christians. What can you offer on this to prevent loving people using TVP ideas for their own ends?
  • [Audio] If we had the ability to do a RBE, however that might come about, what are the orders of priority that would be done?
  • [Audio] How will the first city operate, while other cities, states, and countries are still operating in a monetary based system? and how will they access the resources, or will it?
  • [Audio] In the collapse, do you think the government will use the army in the streets to keep their power, or do you think the army will protect the public?
  • [Audio] Please explain why socialism is not a good transitional tool.
  • [Audio] Why didn't you take the opportunity to make money and then change the world with that money?
  • [Audio] Do you think the Government and banks will forgive debts?
  • [Audio] Would jobs held by scientists and engineers be automated? Why or why not?
  • [Audio] What's the difference between anarchy and the Venus Project?
  • [Audio] Changes take some time. Can we talk about % of RBE - this is 40% RBE community, this is 80%, this - 95% for example. And can we put it like a game, like a challenge for existing communities to change and become fully RBE?
  • [Audio] is there an easy way (with examples possibly) to convince people that politics will not solve people's problems? I live in Egypt and now people have really high expectations about the elections, i wish to change that mindset.
  • [Audio] Can we live in something RBE-like before most people adopt this direction, creating such communities with our labor and creativity? How to organise it better? How to organise it most helping the transition?
  • [Audio] Jacque, we are thinking of starting a political party, but in the manifesto to abolish the political system as it is today. Why do you think that politics does not work?
  • [Audio] In a RBE equality is achieved but what will happen to people who work for recognition, will the unique character of the person be lost?
  • [Audio] How to become an available specialist for the RBE?

Social Design

  • [Audio] Who in psychology has influenced your strong belief in nearly complete "nurture" explanation for peoples behaviour?
  • [Audio] Jacque, would you advise to start a family to enable those children to be brought up with the Venus Project's values?
  • [Audio] Jacque, I have children and wondered if you would advise home schooling them?
  • [Video] What is the most efficient way to learn?
  • [Audio] How do you think sociologists can help with the Venus Project?
  • [Audio] Can you say something about sports and dancing in a RBE?
  • [Audio] Today most of them (sports and dancing) are designed to occupy people's time who might ask questions but what about in the future?
  • [Audio] Do you think music has a lot to do with the cultivation of society?
  • [Audio] Is there a difference between a mechanistic concept of life, and one that is deterministic?
  • [Audio] Is mechanistic concept of life compatible with quantum mechanics?
  • [Audio] Since The Venus Project has no prison or no police, how would people that commit socially offensive behavior be apprehended?
  • [Audio] Do you think it's a good idea to invest all the time in learning about general semantics first by reading 'Science and Sanity'? It seems to me that this view of general semanitcs gave you, Jacque, a foundation to start on. Would it take too long
  • [Audio] You've mentioned that you've spoken before to B.F. Skinner over the telephone. What did you talk about with him? Did you talk about the ideas behind the Resource Based Economy?
  • [Audio] Who do you think has been the most innovative person within the field of psychology?
  • [Audio] How do you plan to handle stuff like alcohol, cigarettes and prohibited drugs?
  • [Audio] Can you please elaborate on how you can get an adequate self-image, and how it relates to education?
  • [Audio] Can I only have predictability if I have an adequate self-image? Or can I have predictability and still not have an adequate self-image?
  • [Audio] How do you increase your interest and enthusiasm towards studying?
  • [Audio] How is the educational model of cognitivists functionally different from the behaviourist model?
  • [Audio] Why is it that many cognitivists hate the skinnerian(B.F. Skinner) model?
  • [Audio] Will there be degrees or diplomas in specific fields in the future to determine who should be allowed to teach in schools?
  • [Audio] Do you think our current calendar is irrelevant to our way of living? Would you go back to a more natural cyclical calendar system? How would our calendar work in this new system? Would you use a different calendar?
  • [Audio] Did you, or do you have a plan to publish some material about raising a child?
  • [Audio] You once started reading a story to a child and then stopped and said: Learn to read and you’ll know how the story goes on. I would love to get more ideas like that!
  • [Audio] In trying to educate a religious person on the venus project...
  • [Audio] What do you mean when you say that people will be "high individuals" in the future. Isn't individuality a bullshit term?
  • [Audio] Reading one of the books called Rhetoric of Motives by Kenneth Burke, and it deals with a lot of philosophical, historical, ...what is the best way to go about all this abstract information, and make it so I can comprehend it a lot more quickly?
  • [Audio] Do you think that adults coming to TVP with a life of already formed beliefs/biases, can learn and become competent with TVP materials?
  • [Audio] Is there a hierarchical order in which adults coming to TVP should read the books suggested by TVP?
  • [Audio] Are there any books that are specific to the topic (education) we were discussing today? Any books that are to-the-point about education?
  • [Audio] What is your definition of ego?
  • [Audio] ... Let's just say, for the sake of argument, if someone was walking out of the distribution center and all of the sudden somebody punches that person in the face, then how does that person get restrained?
  • [Audio] Its often said among TVP that a RBE would eliminate most crime, and the rest is mental illness. Granted many mental illnesses are given to people by their environment. But how would you deal with criminals that are neurologically criminals?
  • [Audio] Do you think that the reason that someone is gay is mostly environmental factors rather than biological factors?
  • [Audio] How can we teach RBE from ego-level conscious ?
  • [Audio] What happens with corpses in a RBE?
  • [Audio] You talk about names and you say that there are a lot of John Smiths and you say that in the future we will named as D44 11B in the army. Can you explain this a little, and will (there) be an army?
  • [Audio] In the seminar, you say people's perceptions can differ on the same things. Are you afraid that many of the people who currently follow TVP may have taken a different vision to that which you see?
  • [Audio] Jacque is it worth setting up an institute for semantics, which deals with semantics as applied to social concern?
  • [Audio] What will TV be like in a RBE?
  • [Audio] Excluding experience, because not all the young people today can go through what you went through, how can you shortcut your way to developing mental skills which give you the tools to break things down during conversation, just like you do?
  • [Audio] What is the best way you have discovered to turn someone around from being a self-interested individual to one who is concerned with social interests? I find it very difficult to work out.
  • [Audio] Jacque, what do you think about abortion?
  • [Audio] 'The Shape of Things to Come' by H.G. Wells is on your reading list. The book is about the predictions of the future made 80 years ago. Could you explain why you chose that book?
  • [Audio] Algebra has been designed thousands of years ago and influences how we interpret reality. Do you believe there will be a major shift in scientific language? Also, do you have a team working on a language based on semantics?
  • [Audio] In TVP, what will people be responsible for?
  • [Audio] What's the role of aesthetics meaning taking into consideration the way things look?
  • [Audio] Is there a degree or scale one can use to determine how reinforcing something is?
  • [Audio] Do you have the blueprints of language and education for The Venus Project?
  • [Audio] Jacque, how much reading have you done of Skinners work? Have you read all the materials--if not, how much? Which books particularly assisted with your development in the field of human behaviour and shaping values?
  • [Audio] Did you come to the conclusion of behaviorism, in regarding why people behave the way they do, before you read Skinner?
  • [Audio] I have a confusion, whether you say that genes do not even contribute in human behavior or is it like the role is insignificant? Please clarify your take in this.
  • [Audio] I saw a question on TVP FAQ #90 that talked about if countries participated in a project called common heritage. I'm wondering if you could elaborate more as to what project common heritage is about, and how it will advance all nations?
  • [Audio] Jacque, would you agree that Skinner influenced most of your ideas on human behaviour?
  • [Audio] Do you have any ideas on how to teach highly theoretical subjects of science in schools or universities? Since it is hard or sometimes impossible to get an insight from nature.
  • [Audio] How can we increase intrinsic motivation?
  • [Audio] In the past, I read in an old newspaper advertisement on your website that you identified yourself as a behaviorist when attending public lectures back in the 1960/1970s. Would you still identify yourself as a behaviorist today?
  • [Audio] How useful is evolutionary psychology? Do you think there's such a thing as "evolved behaviors," particularly in non-verbal animals?
  • [Audio] You have often said in the future the field of psychology will be replaced with behavioral science.
  • [Audio] Isn't this very similar to behaviorism because behaviorism identifies the conditions which generate behavior?
  • [Audio] Is it true that psychologists referred their patients/subjects to you to work on?
  • [Audio] In the book I've read, a New York Times reporter attended your lectures in the 70's, he then went on to commit suicide, is that because he could not handle this information, became depressed, etc.?
  • [Audio] Have you ever read B.F. Skinner's novel called 'Walden Two' and if so what are your thoughts on it?
  • [Audio] In your lectures you questioned the role of emotions and machines, emotions may be used in machines for their algorithm to process more variants in its evolving intelligence?
  • [Audio] Have you ever turned around a fundamentalist Christian and how?
  • [Audio] And what method do you used to turn around fundamentalists?
  • [Audio] Jacque, please can you talk to us more about conditioning animals, when you were in the state-sponsored psychological trailer park? Also, how did you catch the snakes?
  • [Audio] Have you considered putting together a specific plan for child development? - for example, a blueprint on how to raise a child in a socially sustainable way? This could be a way of promoting The Venus Project if you wrote a book about this.
  • [Audio] How does TVP view such things as psychosomatic illnesses/disorders and placebo medication? Are these things studied through a scientific approach or considered more along the lines of quackery?
  • [Audio] Define what you mean by the term "Identity" and could you elaborate on it - from 1974-1980 classic lectures...?
  • [Audio] Jacque - You once said that you met Buckminster Fuller before he became popular. What questions did you ask him and how did he respond? What were your thoughts on him?
  • [Audio] How does a creator fit into the theory of TVP?

Technology, City Design

  • [Audio] Within a RBE, technology would advance much faster than today. What are Jacque's thoughts on space colonisation? With population growth it will be a relevant topic.
  • [Audio] Can the city model be applied for a smaller population and would that be a better way to get some results faster? Population example 20 000 people.
  • [Audio] Is TVP going to build any construction soon? on a individual base for people to see it?
  • [Audio] What may bring about global collaboration to have a research city be built ?
  • [Audio] Jacque told RBE is impossible w/o creative challenges. The greatest creative challenge is space exploration, inhabiting new planets. If you pay a bit more attention to it, we can havemore support and collaboration with space advocacy movements.
  • [Audio] In phase 3 of the city of TVP, you say a theme park is planned to be constructed for entertaining education. The theme parks we see today are only used for profit, like Disney. How will the TVP theme park differ from the current ones today?
  • [Audio] How do you make people follow the procedural systems of TVP without imposing it?
  • [Audio] If we get builders, suppliers of materials, and technologists, after the first city is constructed, ... would you consider giving them advertisement space in the city after the city has been constructed?
  • [Audio] If you do not wish to credit or reference the designer of the sewer system, then how will anyone find who designed it?
  • [Audio] If TVP gets the heads-up for the experimental city before the major motion picture, would Jacque and Roxanne be willing to go forward with that?
  • [Audio] Jacque, what do you think about peak oil, whether it is useful to change the system?
  • [Audio] Geothermal has shown to have caused earthquakes in certain areas. I don't know if it's a verified fact, but I have heard of some situations where geothermal can cause crackings, ... in the Earth's surface. How do we deal with such a problem?
  • [Audio] Is there some corporation interested to built necessary technologies to develop The Venus Project purposes?
  • [Audio] Are there any technical blueprints for a RBE being developed?
  • [Audio] How do you justify the fancy sprinkler in the water?
  • [Audio] if an organisation developed a new social system which surpassed your city designs in many areas and had better approaches at changing social values, would TVP drop its activities and assist with that organisation's development?
  • [Audio] Jacque, Roxanne, What would be the required conditions when trying to negotiate with a local university about building a research city based on TVP Designs? (should the city be named "Venus Research cities"? should TVP oriented people organise it?
  • [Audio] I've always lived in hilly cities, and ... the excellent urbanization projects from Fresco, after decades of research, are on flat lands - are hilly cities counterproductive and earthworks always needed, even considering flood issues?
  • [Audio] Some engineers I talk to are frightened that mass use of geothermal power can cool the earth and cause disaster, what do you tell them?


  • [Audio] What can people do when faced with government violence like Martial Law?
  • [Audio] Jacque - is socialism a good idea for a transition?